How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo – Like the rest of the world, we were upset a few weeks ago when we read reports about the dramatic decline in the global orangutan population over the past 16 years. I first came to Borneo 20 years ago, fascinated by our amazing cousins ​​and I leave with concern for them and our entire planet that has maintained health and harmony since I started work.

But at Health In Harmony we also learned about the power of hope, and while it was sad news, we were heartened by the widespread coverage: The story was covered by the New York Times, the Guardian, the Washington Post, NPR and others picked up by many, many others who all know the story. It’s only when an issue receives that kind of attention that we can begin to see the urgency and hopefully find a solution.

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

The study identified several overlapping threats faced by orangutan populations: deforestation, which both directly reduces habitat and leads to more human contact, leading to conflict; and bushmeat hunters.

Supporting Conservation With Document Generation

We work with our partner Alam Sehat Lestari (ASRI) in Gunung Palung National Park, where logging is a major threat as the park is largely surrounded by Muslim populations who do not eat orangutans. But the logging itself had destroyed nearly 40 percent of the forest before we got there in 2007. However, over the past 10 years, with ASRI’s integrated approach to health and safety, we have achieved:

Although the forest was heavily deforested a few years ago, once ASRI started, we can see from the GIS data that the forest loss has stabilized and the secondary forest has grown back (mostly natural, but some of it is ours).

Today, about 3,000 of the approximately 100,000 living orangutans in the world live in Gunung Palung National Park, where they are now protected from environmentally harmful logging.

However, in other national parks – such as Bukit Baka Bukit Raya (BBBR), where we are beginning to expand our programs – orangutans have largely been hunted to extinction

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The habitat is disappearing due to deforestation. Across Indonesia, oil palm plantations and wildfires continue to destroy habitats, creating populations of orangutans that, once rescued, have no safe place to release them into the wild.

BBBR also happens to be one of the few places where orangutans can be released. That’s why we’ve partnered with orangutan rescue and rehabilitation experts, International Animal Rescue (IAR) to reduce the threat of deforestation and poaching. We hope the baby orangutan pictured above finds a safe place to release it back into the wild!

We also want to work with the BBBR community to provide the same opportunities and resources as Gunung Palung. Both communities see health care and the lack of sustainable alternative livelihoods as key drivers of change that will allow them to stop tree felling and hunting.

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

The loss of half of Borneo’s orangutans is devastating, but there are successful solutions to protect their habitat and eliminate the threat of poaching. This new study identifies 34 viable populations of 100 or more individual orangutans; We can prioritize these areas and help communities get the health care and alternative livelihoods they need so they no longer have to cut down trees and hunt to survive. If habitat remains intact, orangutans will have homes, native families will protect their natural resources, and global communities will benefit from carbon sequestration and biodiversity.

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Sign up for our newsletter to learn how you can protect forests, people and the planet – and read a story about your contribution today! Orangutan numbers have halved in the last 16 years, and researchers say the great apes are likely to become extinct if nothing changes.

Orangutans are “highly likely” to go extinct if current trends continue, according to a study published Friday. It found that Borneo’s monkey population had declined by more than 100,000 individuals in 16 years.

The most comprehensive study since 1999 was carried out by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and other institutions. The sharpest declines have been seen in the islands of Southeast Asia, where tropical forests have been cleared in favor of trees and oil palm plantations, reducing jungle habitat for great apes. Other important factors include “killing in conflict, hunting and collecting young orangutans for the pet trade,” the study authors said.

They also found that great apes, known for their broad faces and dark brown fur, may have survived better than expected in smaller forests and fragmented landscapes because they walked on the ground more often than the researchers realized. This allows them to survive on plants that are not part of their natural diet.

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“But one thing they can’t deal with is the high kill rate we’re seeing right now,” says one of the scientists, Serge Veitch.

“Orangutans are a species that breeds very slowly. If only 1 percent of adult orangutans disappear from the population each year, the population is likely to become extinct.”

The researchers estimate that Borneo’s current orangutan population is between 75,000 and 100,000 — a drop of more than 50% since the study began. The decline coincides with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classification of orangutans as critically endangered in 2016.

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

The IUCN estimates that the orangutan population could decline from 105,000 in 2016 to about 47,000 in 2025. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that there are 104,700 Bornean orangutans left worldwide. Borneo has lost 100,000 orangutans since 1999: either way, that’s more than there are living endangered species. Orangutans are severely affected by deforestation and hunting. These animals are native to the island.

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In the past 16 years, Borneo has lost more than 100,000 orangutans — about half of the island’s endangered native species. Bay Ismoyo /AFP/Getty Images Hide caption

In the past 16 years, Borneo has lost more than 100,000 orangutans — about half of the island’s endangered native species.

In the last 16 years, Borneo has lost more than 100,000 orangutans – more than there are surviving endangered species.

This species – the Borneo orangutan – is found only on the island shared by Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Significant deforestation occurred as the dense jungle was converted to palm oil and pulp plantations.

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But deforestation does not fully explain the rapid decline in monkey populations. Hunting is “at least an important driver, if not

Key Drivers The team’s research, conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, is published today in Current Biology.

Voigt and her research team conducted field surveys of orangutan populations on Borneo for several years. “After those 16 years, there’s actually enough data to pull it all together and combine it with information about what’s affecting orangutan populations,” she said.

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

By combining this information, researchers could assess orangutan populations and how they have changed over time, she said.

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They overlay this information with historical land-use data “to understand what’s happening in the different areas where we’re seeing declines,” Voigt added, “and then to identify possible causes of the decline.”

Deforestation on the island is severe. According to the Center for International Forestry Research, Borneo has “the highest rate of deforestation in the world, with an average of 350,000 hectares cleared each year between 2001 and 2016.” Click here for a map of CIFOR where you can see how the landscape has changed.

Forest fires are also a recurring threat to orangutans, said Voigt. They estimate that 100,000 orangutans have gone missing, which is “much more than people expect in a short period of time,” Vogt said.

It is worth noting that while the rate of decline was highest in deforested areas, it was highest in forested or selectively logged areas.

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“The reason is that while the decline was not as severe in these areas, more orangutans were also found there,” the researchers said in a statement.

“They can cover a distance on the ground. They can also feed on plants such as sedges or palm trees that are not their natural food. So they could potentially survive in landscapes where development coexists, and in the case of plantations, forests, as long as there is enough forest to survive, they will not be killed.”

Yet just occasional orangutan hunting “is enough to wipe out orangutan populations in the long run.” This is partly due to their long reproductive cycles, with the average baby being only 6 to 8 years old, she said.

How Many Orangutans Are Left In Borneo

Researchers say more people may have gone missing in the past 16 years than were alive. They estimate that there are still 70,000 to 100,000 animals left. And

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